Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Up-cycled Carton Wallet

Maybe I've been living under a rock, but when I came across this crafty project this morning, I'd never seen anything like it.  Of course with a  little searching online for instruction, I found it everywhere.'s new to me, so maybe it is to you as well!

This fun little project recycles any 2 quart carton with a screw top.  I found one in my recycling and in about 10 minutes I had this quirky wallet!  Nieces and nephews...I hope you're not reading this, because you're all getting one for Christmas!

No need to recreate the can simply use the links below.

I'm off to find fun cartons...happy up-cycling!

Download the template here
Step-by-step instructions here

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sock Koozies

Grumpy Bear Sock Koozie
I usually drink water out of a mason jar. It's easy to track how much fluid I've consumed, big enough to last a little while, and a sturdy, eco-friendly option. Now that it's getting colder and I'm drinking more tea I thought I would make a simple sock koozie to provide a little insulation and protect my hands from piping hot tea. It's super simple. 

1.  Find an old [clean] sock, preferably one that has lost its mate and has a fun pattern.

2.  Cut off the foot just above the heel with a pair of scissors.

3.  Scrunch it up over your mason jar. Voila! Instant sock koozie! 

I gave up looking for the mate to my favorite Grumpy Bear sock, so now he's keeping my tea warm.

Friday, October 19, 2012

October Fading

October you are fading fast!  These last lingering days of the month are leaving our maple trees bare--blowing leaves into haphazard piles that collect at the bottom of our steps and across our driveway.  The sun is hiding out somewhere, chased off by blowing rain drops that plink off the rooftop and blow against the windows like nature's own version of free jazz.  This time of year makes me want to curl up in my fuzzy blanket, sip endless cups of hot Earl Grey, and read, and read, and read.  Alas...this Mummy doesn't get much time to do that!  I'm not so good at relaxing anyhow...and now I've started this new Earl Grey in hand...this will have to do.

The quick facts...I could try to be the anonymous blogger, but that is a silly notion, considering part of the reason for doing this is to create awareness about my latest creative endeavor...a bedtime book entitled Lullaby for Birds.  Okay, you've checked it out, and now my cover of anonymity is officially blown.  So, it's no secret...I'm Sarah Jo, I live in Northern Vermont, and I'm a self-proclaimed "creative junkie."  The love of my life is an air show pilot with a pretty public persona, too.  Okay, I'm a can check him out at  I mentioned I'm a our house I'm "Mummy".  Our little guy "Bean" is 14 months old and a constant, and awe-inspiring source of inspiration.  I know...all of you Moms out there say the same thing about your kiddos, too.  I think it's a simple, universal truth:  we all have the best kids, ever!

So, back to October fading...

{a peek at the cover of Lullaby for Birds}
I find October to be one of the most inspired months and I look forward all year to the creative energy that comes with it.  Over the past year I have been working with a dear friend, A.M. Dezotelle to bring my vision for a children's bedtime book to life.  Lullaby for Birds is currently in production and we are excited to officially bring it to the public for the holidays!  The name of this blog "Sparrow on the Fence" comes directly from the book...and the beautiful illustration in the header is also from the book...isn't A.M. amazing??  {Check out her other creative projects at} October did not let me down this year.  This month I've been working on a gift package that will include the book Lullaby for Birds, a follow-along CD with 20 minutes of my favorite, soothing, classical music {perfect for bedtime} performed by a dear friend and talented pianist, and a plush bird by the National Audubon Society.  I can't wait to unveil it!

As October fades I am inspired.  I hope you are, too!

What else is on my list?

_Raking all of these leaves
_Putting my perennial beds to sleep
_Finger painting with Bean {for the first time}
_Using up a freezer of bananas {banana bread recipes, anyone?}
_Making these awesome necklaces for Christmas giving {I'm personalizing them with photos}

How about you?